#1 Be the Protector of Nature 1 (Natura 2000)

#1 Budi zaštitnik prirode 1 (Natura 2000)

Basic topic

Protection of nature, habitats and species of the Natura 2000 area.

NATURA 2000 is an ecological network of the European Union which comprises areas important for preserving endangered plant and animal species and habitat types, with the primary aim to protect biodiversity for future generations.

Key information

  • • Natura 2000 is an ecological network of the European Union which comprises areas important for preserving biodiversity
  • • the largest network of protected areas in the world
  • • there are 8 national parks and 11 nature parks in Croatia
  • • there is 1 national park and 2 regional parks in Slovenia

Conversation/discussion questions - for younger age group

Conversation/discussion questions - for older age group